She pushes this idea further by deconstructing her view into simpler elements and destroying the obvious while simultaneously including authentic moments to convey more elaborate ideas. She is intrigued with contrasting interactions; simple vs. complex, classic vs. modern, clarity vs. ambiguity, order vs. chaos, depth vs. shallowness, negative space vs. positive space, etc. She uses texture and line to define form by sculpting oil paint with her palette knife and pencil while scratching away paint with various tools, aka, Sgraffito. All of these elements combined with her creativity and skill bring to life a painting that displays imperfect beauty in a very unique style. She finds the most freedom of expression through various subject matter but is most known for her floral still lifes, waterlilies, botanicals, and abstracts. However, not to place limits on herself, she at times enjoys experimentation with other subjects while working with several mediums and tools at times...because...
“An artist should never be a prisoner of himself, prisoner of style, prisoner of reputation, prisoner of success.” Henri Matisse
Learn More About Younger here.