Sell Your Artwork Online through Liza Pruitt
Our Commission Splits are Competitive
Our Artists earn competitive commissions on every piece of artwork sold. We value the relationships that we build with our Artists and pay all commissions within ______ days.
We are Free
There are no hidden set-up costs of submission fees for working with us.
We are Non-Exclusive
You can continue selling your work as you are doing now - we require no exclusivity.
Promote Your Work
We encourage our artists to take an active role in promoting their works with our easy to use online marketing tools. We are fully integrated with the leading social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest, so that you can promote on your platform of choice. You can promote anything from your individual store, to specific works, or styled walls that showcase your works.
Tracking Earnings is Simple
With our online dashboard, you can easily track your sales and see how much money you have earned. *Need to take out but we still need to find software to automate this - there has to be an app in Shopify.
Original Artwork
An an online gallery, we sell a variety of original artwork. Artwork may include:
Artist Submissions
Please submit any requests through our Artist Submissions page online.